
Make sure to store your private key in the "setting" section as a backup for your wallet.

If you don’t have ASG:

- Step 1: In the “Wallet” section, set up your Password. You need to secure your Password carefully. Then, create a new wallet in Injective Network.

- Step 2: Deposit INJ coin to your wallet.

Note: You can buy INJ coin on DEX/CEX. For example, DEX: https://mito.fi/swap/ or CEX: Binance, Coinbase, Okx, Bybit,...

- Step 3: Swap INJ <> ASG (on Injective Network) back and forth directly within the wallet.

- Step 4: Click on “Transfer button”, and start to transfer ASG from your wallet to the game Harvest Heist.

If you already own ASG in SA Account:

- Step 1: At Harvest Heist >> Quest >> Binding Quests.

- Step 2: Enter the Citizen code of the SA Account you want to bind

- Step 3: At the SA Account, select "Connect Wallet" to connect to the Metamask wallet that owns ASG (BEP-20)

- Step 4: Select "Deposit" to deposit ASG from Metamask wallet (BEP-20) to SA Account (if ASG is available in the wallet)

- Step 5: Select "Transfer to game" >> Enter the amount of ASG you want to transfer >> Select Sasa Extension in the "Select game" section >> "Transfer" to complete the transfer of ASG to Sasa Account.

Last updated