Token Metrics
Name | SA World Energy |
Ticker | SAE |
Total Supply | 500,000,000 |
Initial Circulating Supply | 93,750,000 (18.75%) |
Initial Market Cap | $12,187,500 |
Contract Address | [TBA] |
Token Allocation
Allocation | Percentage (%) | Amount in SAE |
Seed | 20% | 100,000,000 |
Strategic | 5% | 25,000,000 |
Public Distribution | 5% | 25,000,000 |
Protocol Development | 15% | 75,000,000 |
Community Growth | 20% | 100,000,000 |
Ecosystem | 10% | 50,000,000 |
Team | 20% | 100,000,000 |
Advisors | 5% | 25,000,000 |
1. Seed (20%) and Strategic (5%)
Allocated to angel ventures and investors who have supported us from the early stage.
2. Public Distribution (5%)
Distributed among multiple launchpads.
3. Protocol Development (15%)
Reward players such as the top of the Arena leaderboard in Summoners Arena (Idle RPG), and other Type I games in SA World.
Incentivize users to actively participate and support the SA World ecosystem by facilitating rewarding activities (airdrops) for their contributions.
4. Community Growth (20%)
Operate the project, including maintaining and developing the game system.
Cover expenses for marketing, communication, community development, market creation, and the non-game ecosystem.
Conduct marketing campaigns, recruit personnel, and upgrade and update hardware and software systems.
Provide liquidity for exchanges
Incentivize users to provide liquidity, stake in the DAO treasury.
5. Ecosystem (10%)
Serve as a reserve (treasury) and incentivize other potential projects participating in building products with SA World.
6. Team (20%)
Allocated to the core team or early backers with initial investment.
7. Advisors (5%)
Allocated to advisors who help or give advice to develop the game and community.
Token Vesting Schedule
Allocation | Unlock Schedule |
Seed | TGE 0%, 6 months cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Strategic | TGE 0%, 6 months cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Public Distribution | TGE 100% |
Protocol Development | TGE 25%, 6 months cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Community Growth | TGE 50%, 6 months cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Ecosystem | TGE 0%, 1 year cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Team | TGE 0%, 1-year cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Advisors | TGE 0%, 1-year cliff, 10% every 3 months |
Last updated